


Jan-Ivar Lindén
Docent, Dr.phil.habil.
Zentrum für historische Ontologie
Philosophisches Seminar
Schulgasse 6
D-69117 Heidelberg
Phone +358 50 3183949




Higher education and degrees

University of Helsinki
Studies in philosophy and history
Dissertation pro gradu on philosophical hermeneutics (and Paul Ricoeur in particular)
1986 Master degree

University of Heidelberg

Postgraduate studies in philosophy and history
Dissertation Die Störung. Über die Reflexivität der angehaltenen Gewohnheit
1995 Dr. phil. (summa cum laude)

University of Helsinki

2003 Appointed filosofian dosentti / docent i filosofi at the university of Helsinki (habilitation)

2006 Declared competent for the Chair in History of Ideas by the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki

Other engagements

Since 2003 in charge of projects of the editing house Eithe

Since 2008 Curator of the Foundation for Research in Effective History

2013 Elected member of the academy Societas Scientiarum Fennica (1838)

2016  Elected member of the Board of the Nordic Society for Ancient Studies (Platonselskabet)

Since 2018 together with Peter König and Nicolas de Warren editor in charge of the new trilingual series Beiträge zur historischen Ontologie - Contributions to Historical Ontology - Apport à l'ontologie historique of the Heidelberg University Press Universitätsverlag Winter

2020 onwards: Aristoteles Metafysik, Swedish edition of the Metaphysics, project funded by the academy Societas Scientiarum Fennica


Modernitet och paradis. Om livssynen hos Lars-Ivar Ringbom, SFV, Helsinki, 2020
Carl Gustaf Estlander's prize for this book 2021 (Swedish Literary Society SLS)



Academic summaryProfessional experienceCoursesTalks and other contributions Orientation
Works: philosophy and historyTranslations Other publications
Jan-Ivar Lindén contact